Robyn Echols
P. O. Box 96
Winton, CA 95388-0096

Robyn Echols has been writing since she was in elementary school. By choice, she spent most of her evening hours in her "dungeon", as her mother called her downstairs bedroom, writing stories, coming upstairs to join her family in front of the television only when her favorite program, "Robin Hood", was playing.
She has spent hours learning and teaching family history research topics, and focuses on history from a genealogist's perspective of seeking out the details of everyday life in the past. Several of her family history articles have been published in genealogy magazines.
Robyn also gives family history presentations to local genealogical societies in the Central California area.
In addition to her novels written under her own name, Robyn also writes under the pen name of ZINA ABBOTT.
Robyn lives with her husband near the Gateway to Yosemite in the Central Valley of California where she enjoys writing novels and quilting.
Family History
FAMILY HISTORY ~ Where Do I Start?
How Census & Tax Forms Can Lead to Other Records
Create a Family History Web Site
Using Your Genealogy Database Software
Put Your Family
In the Movies
RAMBLE America ~ Some Factors Affecting Migration in North America
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